It's funny, a snake that eats it's own tail (while crossed over itself) was the original infinity sign. When it comes down to it, money is the root of all evil, and the bankers are at the center. If they get their new world order, it will be at the expense of freedom and self determination, 2 things that have been beaten down in the past few decades.
A companion piece to this?
It's looks more likely that Hillary will win the election, immigrants always vote for the Democratic party. The shame is, she has no ideas of her own, and is even more unaccountable for her actions than other politicians. The 2 party system doomed us and likely the world to some unnecessary problems.
So, you in favor of the Brexit from the EU? My science teacher in the late 80's foresaw much of what's happening now, including oil prices, China, the rise and fall of the EU. National debt and ambitions are the ultimate precursors to war :p
Yes, something like it , but with more detail. I agree the two party system is rather limiting when neither are good.
Well I am for one planet where humanity is not divided by borders and boundaries and currencies.
The vicious cycle or the snake that eats its take is( ->religion-> money -> politics -> war -> ->religion-> money -> politics -> war ->) This cycle needs to be broken.