Have you considered anti-depresntents? Those are as effective as ranting but with out harming anyone (besides possible side affects, but that's not stoppable) Also, there are plenty of boxers people. I have a friend who is literally the nicest girl in the whole class. Maybe the whole school! So not trying to be insulting, but you need to chill, and lighten up. I felt the same once, but now I realize the good things on earth. So calm down a little.
No offense, but you need to stop being so negative. I have soundcloud up in my safari on my iPhone right now and I can listen to stuff for free. Why download it if you can listen for free? That's what Soundcloud was all about, you shouldn't have to download things in the first place!
zanaelf (Updated )
So negative ? Maybe its because life is fucking shit, and full of stupid , sadistic , people who fuck you in the arse for a pound/dollar type of people. people who think money is more important than anything else. The same shit that is going to fuck and kill everything off the surface of this fucking planet. Thats why i guess I am so fucking negative... life is full of disappointments and depressing bullshit.
seriously i needed to fucking rant today and glad I did.
Call me old school, i like it when one can download and play anywhere offline, on the road , on the plane, in the train even in a fucking UFO... streaming tends to stop working when out of the range of the fucking wifi.