Good point about the internet, the internet has change in a lot of ways. It's pretty much the gate way of the Matrix, you can say it's the digital world of life. And now the VG gaming will soon change all that. Far as these social media sites, it's best to find one you feel comfortable at like Instagram or DA and any other artistic sites that's out there where people don't judge or try to downsize your creativity.
Don't let people tell you who you should be or what to do. People tend to forget that the meaning of life is what you make of it. ;)
I get what you mean about the internet.
It used to be an awesome place back in the day. Full of unusual and interesting people getting together because all of us were outcasts because of different (but similar on essence ) reasons.
The internet was the shrine for all of us who didn't have a place to be.
Now days most of it is tainted with politically correct bullshit and average individuals have take it over. Facebook is indeed a steaming pile of bullshit (or an "endless parade of human misery" as I like to call it) being online is the cool thing to do, and everyone jumped in, leaving us the "good 'ol weirdos" with little choices, just as IRL.
Yep you very much sum it all up. Funny thing is I got responses on this website... my deviant art post remains unanswered. Thanks ^_^