As you know, Its taking months to fully recover from COVID-19. Caught the stupid virus in March at the doctors after having my tri-monthly injection, while on my out from the GP practice at Pallion Health Centre in Sunderland on my way to use the elevator to get down, because it is easier for my broken back than to use the stairs.I should have used the stairs that day, then I would not have caught the virus. A patient came out of the elevator struggling to breath, while coughing profusely non stop... without covering her mouth on the 2nd of March. That very day I heard the news later on when I was sick that the practice temporarily shut down because of COVID-19 infection and was in the process of being disinfected.
The 5- 6th of March, cold/flu like symptoms started. I thought it was another cold/flue that would go on for two to three weeks, and then return to normal. Nope, this thing escalated worse than cold/flu during the second week , with shortness of breath and lung pain, extreme fatigue, diarrhoea, weak heart, clotting risk, extreme headache, body pains, sepsis, fatigue and exhaustion on top of flu/cold like symptoms. I "recovered" at the end of March, but relapsed with post viral fatigue that has been dragging on for months
I have had 2 secondary bacterial infections in the chest and sinuses during the course of recovery. The remaining symptoms after 5 months which are post-viral are acid-reflux induced asthma/morning chest phlegm which is declining , minor sinus flareups, which are declining and almost gone, loss of voice, which has improved to partial loss of voice, and gradually improving.
The NHS has data now on recovery, that a non-ICU person who has COVID can last up to 6 months, which feels about right , now that I am on my 5/6th month of recovery. Those who have been hospitalised and survived, their recovery can take to a year and over...
(P.S The website appears to be down frequently possibly from overuse...)
I haven't done any digital painting like I done last year and the years before in between working on my traditional paintings while I had been sick and recovering, since I still have tiredness and fatigue.
This year has been a bitch and is feeling worse than last year when the art studio shut down because of Brexshit..