Intersex people, when we are born on this planet, from the very first second. Our lives are not our own, our choices in life are not our own, it is governed by the public(parents&doctors&politicians&religious leaders), and our gender gets decided without our choice and free will.
Growing up, this so called over ruling of people trying to run and own our lives, from parents, to institutions, to corporations and government agencies, continues in a never ending pattern of manipulation, forcing us, trying to shape us to fit in the slave race created by the religio political bureaucrats and those who are mindlessly programmed by their delusions of law, order and belief. We are born onto this planet as natural policy violators, because our biology smashes the mispreconceptions of the whole bullshit system of the human animal farm , because we are naturally a minority that does not fit in the artificially created majority of the human exploitation animal farm of the religio-political elites.
Our existence , our right of existence blatantly debunks their bullshit, pulling the wool from the rest of the population of Earth, nudging them to wake up from the delusions on how to live, on what to think and the whole delusion to live life as a human being on this prison planet. Thats why our existence is a sore spot that naturally always tears dogmas , and so called moral delusions, that it is so important, that it makes people think…
Rather than believing bullshit programmed into them by an ignorant society,
But depending on our impact on the human society we are alien to, how many people would learn to think, and how many people would choose to discriminate by rolling out the inquisition ?
The question remains... we are the tipping point of civilization, its success or its fall, depending what happens.
yeah, mind boggling isnt it ? Your lucky you only reading it and not living it.