Well as you see how shit things are becoming on this planet, I thought I would get this done and over with, something that will help people think on what they are doing. I was happy that WW3 was averted this year three weeks ago, but the nightmare is still knocking at the door, while the doomsday clock still hangs at 3 minutes to midnight. I am also hoping that this painting would also put my re-occuring precognition nightmares to bed, so I can enjoy the remaining years of my life. The NHS has not been supportive as well, delaying my surgery with excuses as people have valued money more than my life and wellbeing, and the people I rely on for help, have been giving me similar denial of help and treatment that I had experienced when I lived in South Africa. I really want to leave this planet, because I am afraid what is going to happen, if things do not change for the better.
The artwork is going to be similar to my "No More War" image, but with a lot more detail in the background focusing on a possible future, if all shit goes wrong, and nuclear weapons have been used. Hoping the message of "No More War" is emphasised stronger , with consequences of the stupidity of war being reflected in the background. As you can see tensions are really getting stupid, North Korea wants to bomb the USA, the USA want to bomb North Korea, the nuclear Missiles are stored in Okinawa US bases against the will of the Japanese people, Then the whole thing with Russia VS USA on how to deal with the big baby the CIA created called ISIS. Thats not all, then recently about Iran and the US, and its wishes to want to bomb Israel. Then there is China as well. Then the possibility of civil war in South Africa, because of the tensions between Russia(BRICS) and USA, where local political shit is stirred by the CIA from the USA, which poverty and racism are being used as a catalyst. Then there there is the MH370 flight issue which may lead to evidence that USA shot down the plane with an energy weapon, but this information is oppressed and censored with life threats to the locals who witnessed events in the Indian Ocean, such as the Maldives. including German Wings. So basically shit is building up, and I feel I need to do another artwork tell tell people to stop the warshit. I just have nightmares when I see the US president Trump on the opposite end of the room with Kim Jong-un..
A companion piece to this? http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/zanaelf/no-more-war-2
It's looks more likely that Hillary will win the election, immigrants always vote for the Democratic party. The shame is, she has no ideas of her own, and is even more unaccountable for her actions than other politicians. The 2 party system doomed us and likely the world to some unnecessary problems.
So, you in favor of the Brexit from the EU? My science teacher in the late 80's foresaw much of what's happening now, including oil prices, China, the rise and fall of the EU. National debt and ambitions are the ultimate precursors to war :p
Yes, something like it , but with more detail. I agree the two party system is rather limiting when neither are good.
Well I am for one planet where humanity is not divided by borders and boundaries and currencies.
The vicious cycle or the snake that eats its take is( ->religion-> money -> politics -> war -> ->religion-> money -> politics -> war ->) This cycle needs to be broken.